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Okay, I don't actually have a gallery of pictures and bios for my babies.

I have face claims for most of them, if you're into that kind of thing, but a lot of my characters actually have the same face, so... It would be kind of awkward if I had 8 pictures of the same person, each with a different name and bio.

So I'll settle with brief descriptions. I've been role playing long enough that I've settled into my "likes" and "dislikes" - I know what I like to play, and I tend to stay in my comfort zone.


The descriptions below aren't exclusively what I do, but they are what I most prefer doing.


LADIES: My characters are generally noblewomen. I will occasionally play a princess (for example, in a knight x princess pairing) or a commoner, perhaps even a gypsy. My women are strong-willed, sharp, and witty, but these traits manifest themselves in different ways depending on the role play. Sometimes they're wildly rebellious (as much as a woman of the times can be); sometimes they're intensely devoted to their family but struggling to find their own independence; and they often have an interest in medicine and healing, especially the noblewoman and commoners. But not always. 


GENTLEMEN: My male characters will almost always be warriors of some kind. Knights, guards, soldiers, noblemen who serve in the military, rangers. In terms of character alignment, they're generally somewhere on the spectrum as "lawful good" or "chaotic good." Sometimes I make them rogues, damaged by some betrayal or traumatic experience, and sometimes they're bright, up-and-coming young men nearing the height of their careers before some kind of calamity strikes. 


LADIES: They're always strong and independent. Usually they're teachers, artists, nurses, doctors, or free spirits struggling to find their way.


GENTLEMEN: Interestingly, my personality range for men is more diverse than it is for women. Sometimes they're charming, outgoing extroverts, and sometimes they're more sensitive introverts. I generally stick to playing teachers, musicians, athletes struggling in the wake of a career-ruining injury, or veterans reentering society. 

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